Friday, September 30, 2011


SO glad it's Friday. Maybe that's why I was inspired to make another little treat for my peeps at school. Check it out:
It says, "S'more treats for my peeps." I recently tried Peeps in place of regular marshmallows in S'mores and I have to say they are yummy!
We've had some apple-icious days in first grade this week. Thanks to Pinterest, I had all new ideas this year, but not enough time, so I saved some for next year. We made Cara's applesauce today...big hit, they were begging for more and our room smelled SO good the whole day.
I also made some apple/shape activities for our math tubs, but I'm having a problem with Google Docs. Every time I upload a PDF, it changes the font to something strange. Does anyone know how to fix this? Here is one of my math tub activities (font changed to Comic Sans so that you can see it):

I cut out pieces of yarn and put in baggies to use as worms. They rolled a die and took that many worms and put them on the first apple. They did the same with the second apple and then added the numbers on their recording sheet.

:) Andrea

Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Friday!

Want to make your teacher friends, or anyone else for that matter, smile? Then give them these:

I mean, who doesn't love orange slices?
This week was a REALLLLY long week at school. We had Curriculum Night and many of us are already getting the dreaded first cold of the year. So today I brought these for my friends. And they did smile. Yay!

:) Andrea

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'm still here!

I know it's been a LONG time since I've posted anything, but these first weeks of school have Wiped.Me. Out! Thanks to all of the new ideas I found on Pinterest and all of the fabulous blogs I've been reading, I was ready for the new year! I have 22 little sweeties and we are off to a great start. I have tables this year, which I wasn't sure if I'd love or hate. (One of my teaching buddies in first hates them and one loves them. I'd never tried them so I decided to go for it!) So far, so good! I LOVE not having papers or supplies just shoved in. Now I know exactly what they have and where they have it! I've had to purchase a few more containers to put things in, but it's totally worth it! Here are some pics from my room:

This is one of my table tubs. Every table has a different critter on it.

These are birthday balloons. The idea came from PT.
 I didn't want to leave candy out, so I used straws and put labels on the back
 so that they can come to me for a treat. :)

Idea from Abby! I love the way they turned out!
 I loved the Peacemaker/breaker idea from Mrs. Lee's Kindergarten. We found these Davids on PT
 last year and they worked perfectly!

A Pinterest idea from Ms. Solano's Kdg! I changed the wording a little and it was
 perfect for our name unit!

Another Pinterest find! Thanks Mrs. Phippen!
And last... All About Me from Deanna Jump's awesome back to school unit! LOVE her ideas!
They came out SO cute!
So we've been REALLY busy so far in first grade and we're having SO much fun!!! :)

:) Andrea